Tracey and Brooke Hanson

Family searching for justice visit campaign headquarters

Date: 21st June 2016 Posted by: admin In: Families

Yesterday Tracey Hanson and her daughter Brooke visited the Ironworks for the first time.

They came to see the Monument after hearing so much about our campaign and what we are aiming to achieve.

Tracey, sadly lost her son, Josh, In a unprovoked and motiveless attack in October last year and 8 months on, Josh’s killer is still at large.

To have Tracey and Brooke here was incredibly powerful. Their story and fight for justice is something they shouldn’t have to go through.

If Josh’s attacker wasn’t carrying a knife they wouln’t be where they are today.
They wouldn’t have lost him and wouldn’t be going through the pain of not knowing exactly what happened and who carried out the attack.

Tracey has set up a campaign with over 27,000 followers to help get ‪#‎JusticeForJosh‬
Police are looking for Shane O’Brien in connection with Josh’s murder and the campaign has gone worldwide!

Please support this family’s fight for justice.

Thank you Tracey and Brooke for showing bravery and courage yesterday in seeing the sculpture and talking about your story.

Tracey and Brooke left us a message after seeing the sculpture yesterday,
“Supporting the knife angel to be erected in Trafalgar square. Justice for Josh Hanson

Thank you for supporting our campaign.

justice for josh hanson


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