west yorkshire police

Yorkshire and Manchester Collections

Date: 13th April 2017 Posted by: admin In: knife crime, Police forces, Support

Last week saw momentous collections from 3 Police forces including South Yorkshire Police, West Yorkshire Police and Greater Manchester Police.

It’s fantastic to have these the forces proactively collecting knives and weapons off the streets of the UK and making their regions more aware on the affects of knife crime and violence.

This now concludes that one of our campaign objectives is nearly complete, to have the support of all 43 Police forces across the UK! We still have a number of collections to take place but we can reveal that we have received positive support from every Police force! The Campaign can now truly be called a NATIONAL CAMPAIGN!

We can now focus all of our efforts on contacting the London Mayors office in the sculpture reaching it’s destiny, to be placed on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar square.
Petition signatures are increasing but to reach a debate in parliament we have a way to go.
If you haven’t signed our petition yet, follow this link to find out how you can pledge your support,


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