Tag Archives: anti-knife
Cleveland Police collection
Yesterday saw the collection of knives and weapons from Cleveland Police at their Middlesborough headquarters. The force have collected over 400 knives from amnesties and surrenders from across the county. We want to thank Cleveland Police for their dedication in tackling knife crime. Just like all of the other forces we have worked with, the […]
14th February 2017
In today’s issue of Shropshire Star there is an interesting article about the National Monument and it explains how one of our biggest supporters Alison Cope, a fierce anti knife campaigner, feels about the campaign and explains her involvement in the project. https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/2017/02/14/shropshire-knife-angels-tragic-inspiration-is-revealed/
Merry Christmas

We’re hanging up our tools for the week and we will be back on the 2nd January. Many thanks to all of our loyal fans who have been amazing this year! We look forward to 2015, and welcome it with open arms. January will see the beginning of our Knife angel construction, and further campaigning to get […]
We may have missed….
Amongst our many updates we may have let some of our fantastic supporters slip through the cracks, so we’ve decided to compile a post dedicated to images of our campaign to date – sorry if we missed you – your support is very much appreciated.
West Mercia Police Deliver 5k Knives
Today West Mercia Police in conjunction with Biffa Skips and environmental waste management, have delivered a large shipment of knives that have been relinquished for our cause. The delivery took place today in our centre in Oswestry Shropshire, the knives where placed into a controlled environment where our specially trained workers will de-contaminate and […]
Amazing Amy Supports Surrender Your Knife Campaign

November 27th – Amy Hughes Marathon Runner Remember Amy Hughes? You know the one? Yeah that girl who ran 53 marathons one after the other?? Of Course you do! She’s a self-made legend and we are insanely proud to have her support. Cheers Amy! We can’t wait for our Angel to be completed.
Only Cowards Carry

So grateful when we receive the support of fellow anti-knife campaigners. Today we have been fortunate enough to gain the support of “Only Cowards Carry” who have been running since 2012, and are a registered charity. You can find out more about them here: http://www.onlycowardscarry.org Video to follow…
An Extra Set of Hands

October 15th – Ron Dowling – helping with knife angel. The centre welcomes Ron Dowling, local metalworker. He has offered his services voluntarily to assist Alfie Bradley in the initial construction of our knife angel – after all, a 20 ft statue is definitely NOT a one-man job. Alfie will have help throughout various stages […]
Oswestry Amnesty Box Revealed

October 13th –Oswestry knife bank revealed After our recent visit from Oswestry Police station we are now finally able to full reveal our Oswestry knife bin to the general public safely and confidently and continue to raise awareness and collect knives for our all-important Knife Angel statue – a 20 foot Icon in memory of […]
Oswestry Police Unveil Amnesty Bin Plans

October 3rd – Oswestry Police – knife bin support The Oswestry Police Force have been fantastic through recent weeks and today’s visit from Sergeant Scott Barnes and Inspector Rick Klair was been a very rewarding experience, as we now have their full support to open our amnesty bins in Oswestry and to continue ridding the […]