Tag Archives: crime
Support from The Advertizer

There was wonderful coverage in the Oswestry Advertizer today! Delighted to have so much coverage and support from our local newspaper. The Knife Angel or The National Monument against Violence and Aggression – Knife Angel will be lifted 60 ft in the air on Monday. This will hopefully mark its first steps towards Trafalgar square […]
Cleveland Police collection
Yesterday saw the collection of knives and weapons from Cleveland Police at their Middlesborough headquarters. The force have collected over 400 knives from amnesties and surrenders from across the county. We want to thank Cleveland Police for their dedication in tackling knife crime. Just like all of the other forces we have worked with, the […]
British Independent Retailers Association back new campaign
The British Independent retailers Association, is now in support of our efforts to highlight the need for greater efforts in preventing knives being used on the UK streets. Retailers are being informed of best practices and checklist info , for serving youths with knife sales. All facets of our society can play a more significant […]
BBC report on Youth knife crime statistics

Knife crime is on the rise across the UK, particularly in London, and police say most of those caught carrying blades have no links to gangs. So why are more young people carrying knives? These statistics for our campaign are very worrying. We need to raise awareness that reaches all sections of society, in particular […]
Greater Manchester Police push for another knife amnesty.

Over the last few months we have seen nearly 50 amnesty bins leave our workshop and arrive at police stations across Avon and Somerset, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, Dorset and Manchester. Greater Manchester Police received 10 amnesty bins for their knife surrender in the hope they may collect hundreds of knives off the streets. Pictured above is Deputy […]
Thames Valley Police

UPDATE! We have been informed that 21 bins from Thames valley Police will be ready for collection in the next couple of weeks. This is fantastic news for the campaign, it will take us closer to our target of removing 100,000 knives off the streets of the UK.
Merry Christmas

We’re hanging up our tools for the week and we will be back on the 2nd January. Many thanks to all of our loyal fans who have been amazing this year! We look forward to 2015, and welcome it with open arms. January will see the beginning of our Knife angel construction, and further campaigning to get […]
We may have missed….
Amongst our many updates we may have let some of our fantastic supporters slip through the cracks, so we’ve decided to compile a post dedicated to images of our campaign to date – sorry if we missed you – your support is very much appreciated.
West Mercia Police Deliver 5k Knives
Today West Mercia Police in conjunction with Biffa Skips and environmental waste management, have delivered a large shipment of knives that have been relinquished for our cause. The delivery took place today in our centre in Oswestry Shropshire, the knives where placed into a controlled environment where our specially trained workers will de-contaminate and […]
Amazing Amy Supports Surrender Your Knife Campaign

November 27th – Amy Hughes Marathon Runner Remember Amy Hughes? You know the one? Yeah that girl who ran 53 marathons one after the other?? Of Course you do! She’s a self-made legend and we are insanely proud to have her support. Cheers Amy! We can’t wait for our Angel to be completed.